Welcome Back (?)

Remember when this blog was a thing? LOL me neither.

I probably should have warned you before taking a 3+-month-long hiatus, but in my defense, I didn’t know I was going to be taking a hiatus either.


Guys, it was a really rough semester. I wrote my English thesis (!), got really comfy with my OBGYN (!!), and underwent round after round of allergy testing (!!!). Translation? My skin SUCKED, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. There’s only so much progress a dedicated routine can make in the face of stress and hormonal acne, and that’s assuming that your skin hasn’t, ya know, decided to throw a temper tantrum at every one of your products.


I’m still undergoing food challenges periodically to determine what specific seafoods I’m allergic to, but my GYN and I have worked out a plan for dealing with my wackadoo hormones (which, we think, got thrown out of balance by the severity of my allergic reaction). Finally, FINALLY, my skin is coming to a place where skincare is starting to make a difference again, so I’m back and ready to write more ridiculously long posts whether you want to read them or not. Birds of a feather suffer together, or something.

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